The story of a motley gang of travellers embarking on a three-month trip around Asia. British lads Sean (Ade Oyefeso) and Dylan (Anders Hayward) meet American girls May (Alice Lee) and Ashley (Brittney Wilson) in Beijing and opt to undergo the first leg of their travels together. But they soon find that their journey takes them much further than any of them expected.
The cast of Foreign Bodies, drawn from the U.S., Canada and the U.K., includes newcomer Anders Hayward (Sistema)
starring as delusional romantic Dylan, who thinks every woman he meets
is a potential life partner. BAFTA Breakthrough Brit Ade Oyefeso (Unforgotten, E4's Youngers) is Sean, a friendly, easy-going guy hoping for a bit of escapism. They are joined by emerging Canadian star Brittney Wilson (Bates Motel),
who plays blunt and headstrong Ashley, a young American student who is
academically intelligent but emotionally unintelligent. Alongside her is
Alice Lee (Jack, Jules, Esther & Me, Faking It)
as May, a highly strung worrier who tends to overthink every situation.
British actor, writer, performance poet and Edinburgh Comedy Award
winner Tim Key (Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa, I Give It A Year) joins them as Greg, a 38-year-old in denial about his marriage, his business and life in gener
al. His upbeat energy hides a multitude of problems.
All the members of our gang have personal quests that have brought
them halfway round the world. May wants to meet her extended family in
China and reconnect with her roots, Ashley is hell-bent on cramming in a
lifetime of exotic experiences before she starts her high-flying career
back home, Dylan wants to track down and win back his ex-girlfriend,
Sean wants to shed his innocence and forcibly grow up, and Greg, a
divorcee who doesn't want to travel alone, hopes to roll back the years
and relive the wild hedonism of his youth. In the end, they may or may
not get what they hoped for, but they'll all come away with something
better: the realization that no matter how far you go, no matter how
hard you try, you can't take a holiday from yourself.
Episode Dates and Show Summary for Gap Year (Newest First) |